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submitted by shea prueger // view full size

shea prueger this is a view of queens. i live in queens.
andy buck my queens is better than your queens
brant kassel i got your queens right here pal
brandon goodridge reminds me of the Pink Floyd "Animals" cover. home sweet home.
shea prueger i can't believe you think astoria is better than my area. i live next to ps1, water taxi beach, and the fun factory, give me a break.
andy buck you can't even find internet where you live, astoria rocks. oh, and it's not called the fun factory. it's called 5-points. i swear
shea prueger that's it, i'm totally googling the fun factory.
andy buck note how it says "graffiti at five points", not "graffiti at the fun factory"
andy buck i am SOO right
shea prueger this is where i stop using tag forever, in order to avoid constant embarrassment.
andy buck yeah no one uses tag anyways
shea prueger no one really cares that i have a fucking rad blog, either. i hate being so lame.
ben janke nyc sucks, babies get stabbed there. =|
andy buck you wouldn't know cool if it stabbed you
ben janke nyc sucks, babies get stabbed there. =|
ben janke point taken. i suck at the internet, btw.
andy buck nice argument, twice
jenn wendell What is it with residents of Astoria always thinking that it's superior than pretty much every other neighborhood?