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tagisu - 1152671748-20571-288

submitted by joshua m. haroldson // view full size

joshua m. haroldson new camera!
andy buck heads up: embed srgb profiles in your jpegs.
brant kassel love this picture, by the way
joshua m. haroldson thanks a lot brant! and mr. buck, how would i go about embedding a srgb profile and why?
andy buck color
joshua m. haroldson thanks andy. from what i can tell my camera uses a 'generic rgb color space'. As I have an intel iMac, i don't have photoshop so how can I convert my pictures to sRGB?
joshua m. haroldson thanks andy. from what i can tell my camera uses a 'generic rgb color space'. As I have an intel iMac, i don't have photoshop so how can I convert my pictures to sRGB?
andy buck i run photoshop on my intelmac, but i think iphoto will also take care of you
joshua m. haroldson good news! i think i can assign an srgb profile using preview! thanks for helping me along.