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jenn wendell W14th. just opened Friday, it was empty when i was there tonight, and the people that work there are much nicer than the assholes at the SoHo store. I want to go back sometime during the day and get a sexxy shot of the spiral staircase. it's really neat.
andy buck what!? the people at apple soho are super nice! Plus there is a guy who works there named "Johnny Cash"
jenn wendell I dunno. the people at the SOHO store are usually rude to me. haven't met "Johnny Cash" though.
andy buck they always pull me out of line and let me use the express checkout, i love them
steve block my apple store doesn't support lines, you just have to find a guy with one of those checkout things
jenn wendell I much prefer those checkout things. Trouble is that at the Soho store, the guys with teh checkout things like, try really hard not to be found.
andy buck no love for you