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c. alexander leigh Purée de pommes de terre à l'ail.
steve block mashed potatoes, in other words
victoria jones How truly boring the world would be Steve if you wrote all the books.
bryan wann fijngestampte aardappels.
steve block luckily for the world, i am no author
c. alexander leigh you're a lousy translator, too.
steve block actually, no i just ignored the bit about the garlic
victoria jones Thank you for joining us for another episode of 'The World According To Steve', we hope you'll join us next time.
michael coppola "mashed potatoes and garlic"
andy buck i don't see any problem with using the proper french names for these things, after all, chefs from english speaking countries never evolved past deep frying.
c. alexander leigh "Ignoring the bit about the garlic" might make you a lousy cook, too ;)
michael coppola lol i just dislike frunch.
Ze French we hate you too, mike.
steve block never before have potatoes so divided the world!
jenn wendell except that one ireland...