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steve block i wish i had a silver trumpet. i don't even know where my old brass one is these days. i keep thinking about getting a b-flat cornet and learning to play again, but then i go spend the money on something else
alix holbrook I'm not sure he really gets how cool his horn is sometimes.
michael coppola looks a lot like mine, im surprised he plays so sharp for holding his horn so low.
alix holbrook I don't know if he plays sharp. I can record him sometime and post it to youtube.
victoria jones He should keep it up for when he gets older... when I was in HS the guys in the trumpet section were always some of the hottest guys, that and the saxophone players. =)
michael coppola and us horn players know how to kiss. FACT!
alix holbrook I'm hoping he keeps it up. I will remind him that chicks dig horn players often.
jenn wendell I'm interested in guitar dudes...oh man the fingers...
michael coppola hey we gotta actuate those valves somehow honey.