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tagisu - 1204661079-22774-832

submitted by c. alexander leigh // view full size

victoria jones Gah! =(
c. alexander leigh It had a bad morning.
c. alexander leigh It's now worth mentioning that unlike Garmin, which has a flat repair rate for ANY out-of-warranty problem (eg you pay $200 no matter what is wrong), TomTom basically tells you that you're screwed - no repairs. Instead they offer a discount on another one through their "customer loyalty" program. Geez.
victoria jones Yes, the woman told me they don't do LCD repair under any circumstance.
andy buck so it makes it 3000 miles across the country battling winter storms and a dog that likes to eat things, only to die in a posh boston suburb?
victoria jones It's sad but true
jenn wendell so, my verizon phone comes with navigation...
jordon randall what did you do to it?