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andy buck want
victoria jones Mmm Volvo. I didn't like those until I saw one zoom past me on the highway, it's a cute way to scoot.
andy buck it's just weird enough looking for me to love it
victoria jones Plus it's tiny, good for parking in the city *wink*
steve block i like it but wish it had 4 doors
steve block this is basically the mazda3 isn't it? i mean as far as guts and stuff
andy buck honestly i'm not sure, i know it's a lot faster than a mazda3 (volvo claims 6.2 0-60mph), but the rest could be the same.
steve block it has that 5 cylinder engine i think, which is why it is faster. also the black rear end. i dunno man, buy it if you want
andy buck The styling is love/hate, especially the back- which is why it's not just another boring car
j.p. mcglinn It might have some mazda3 underpinnings, but it's a turbo 5-cyl. The S40/V50 is more directly mazda3. It didn't seem all that small when I was standing next to it in the cold and dark at the dealer.