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tagisu - 1214313134-19729-932

submitted by shea prueger // view full size

jenn wendell We should start counting the number of photos you take with boiled eggs in them...
shea prueger and then we can count how many times you actually see eggs that look like this. or maybe we'll just count how many times you complain.
andy buck i like how they keep it so mysterious, is this balut? no way to tell.
ben janke i think tag definitely needs more LOBSTERS <3
andy buck i think you mean lobster girls!
shea prueger all i meant was: bring on the obscure egg photos. i mean, who doesn't want to see them besides jenn??
victoria jones Those cats really dig their eggs... have you tried one?
joshua m. haroldson yeah i think we need to see the inside of one of those.
andy buck is that a tea bag in the broth? where does the color come from?
steve block she already obliged guys
steve block there should totally be a comma in that last comment
andy buck I'm starting to think it's this: Taiwanese Marbled Tea Eggs