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tagisu - 1219141397-23624-910

submitted by steven cuthbert // view full size

steven cuthbert this happened outside the Brisbane Horse Race last week.. these 2 teens were walking along the footpath and the 2 female cops on horses told them to get out of the way.. the one getting grabbed by the scruff of his neck was giving her some lip, he was later arrested, basically just because he was walking down a footpath and didn't get out of the way when the pig told him to.
bryan wann are you going to go be his witness in court? why didn't the cops beat you down for taking this photo!
steven cuthbert because im a badass and can run faster than them. no.. they had more trouble on their hands to be dealing with me.. the picture doesn't show it but theres about a hundred people standing around watching this. I did walk alongside the cops as they dragged him away, and I said, or yelled, no shit, "It's cops like you are the reason why people hate cops so much, this kid hasn't broken any laws, this is just police brutality". one of the cops then said "youre impeding my duties" and I said "Im impeding jackshit mate, im just walking along the footpath here". He gave me a very stern look and some other senior officer told me to beat, so I kept walking...