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submitted by shea prueger // view full size

shea prueger bushwick. diner style.
andy buck loving the picture of the chef with the umbrella, nothing but pure class.
shea prueger haha and i love "cpr mask available" with the third "a" written over the mistaken "e." i don't even know what a cpr mask is, should i?
andy buck the general idea behind cpr masks is you get to avoid actually touching the person you are saving
bryan wann I for one support widespread availability of cpr masks at all retail establishments
andy buck shea, i challenge you to find uglier packaging than 'celestial seasoning' tea
shea prueger well, i'm looking at the rice krispies.....haha. celestial is bad though, way bad.
steve block celestial seasonings is local (boulder) so i have to defend it. done.