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andy buck awesome
joshua m. haroldson thanks! same place as here.
ben janke i've actually heard of agate bay, i have friends who go rock-hunting there. apparently i should check this out...
andy buck rock hunting? explain
ben janke well, there are these strange people in the world called 'geologists.' they really really like rocks. i don't understand it myself but to each his own. anyway, agate bay is so named (or so i'm told) because of the former abundance of its namesake in the bay before the rockhunters found most of them.
shea prueger i really, really LOVE rocks. maybe i picked the wrong career?
andy buck i don't know how wilderness girl 5000 with her cell phone and sunglasses would do collecting rocks in the middle of nowhere without a tea house or shot of jameson in sight
shea prueger shot of powers. and, broke all 4 pair of sunglasses i owned in asia. and hello? - - i'm totally wilderness girl 5000, which you obviously forgot. not to mention, i survived this: which stretched across the whole mountain path i was on. that would have had you stopped in your tracks and then quitting the hike and running the opposite way for sure.
ben janke oh that's easy. bring your own tea + jameson. my rockhunting friends prefer premo though.
andy buck yeah, this just screams camping in the wilderness
ben janke i hear there are rabbits in the wild, but it's probably not the best choice of disguise.
shea prueger it's all about powers. seriously. puts jameson to shame. and listen. it's not like the bunny ears were MY idea. i have a job where people spend their whole day dressing me. not to mention, it's not like you are on the cover of any magazines.
ben janke my dad was once on the cover of a journal about swine diseases... that's all i got.
andy buck I guess maybe your pro trampoline jumping skills would pay off, or you know, your ability to survive "level 9 typhoons" aka drizzling rain
elizabeth wong i was in people when i was 12. im way closer than andy
joshua m. haroldson right behind the ore docks in agate bay are like 3 bars. 100% chance of finding both powers and jameson. so everyone wins. also, hunting for agates is bizzarely soothing.
joshua m. haroldson also soothing, templeton rye.
shea prueger andy: i would like to see how you would react in a level nine typhoon. it was too dangerous for me to be outside during the typhoon, you only saw the after typhoon pictures. it's worse than any iowa tornado. for real. also, just tried wild turkey american honey, the name seems appropriate for rock hunting outdoors. haha.
sam wong just sayin hi
bryan wann hay guyez, long comment or longest comment
steve block andy shea seems to have the upper hand here. yay rocks.
joshua m. haroldson all about agates/a>.
joshua m. haroldson <
andy buck yeah maybe I'm wrong, if nothing else shea has wilderness survival instincts like you wouldn't believe
shea prueger hahaha thanks andy. that's all i needed to hear.
ben janke oh yeah, templeton. i knew there was something i forgot to pick up in ames this weekend.
joshua m. haroldson i just got a bottle of templeton as a gift and i'd definitely get it again. its a great 'everyday' whiskey.
ben janke yeah, that's what i was thinking too. i've been rocking the buffalo trace lately as my everyday whiskey.
sam wong yes, 3206 has some trace on hand ;)
andy buck when did everyone transition off of beer into 'everyday' whiskey?
andy buck if you view the large size of this image it looks like there is a bottle photoshopped in on the right.
joshua m. haroldson i'd say what kind of bottle but i don't want to start a fight.
andy buck you know, i can't find old grandad whiskey anywhere in new york
ben janke i've seen ol' grandad up here, as well as a cheap scotch called "grant's" =D
ben janke an everyday whiskey, as it turns out, is a tastier and similarly cost-effective method of drinking as cheap beer. this became a necessity, sadly, as premo has doubled in price since i moved up here...