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tagisu - 1226778153-482-847

submitted by chad vavra // view full size

chad vavra Photo taken after all the bleeding stopped. I got a new 6 inch jointer yesterday off craigslist for a bargain and decided that it needed to be tuned up and tried out. Within an hour I got too comfortable with it and shaved off 1/16th of the heel of my left hand! It stings really bad, in that ouch... I'm going to puke kind of way. Note: Yes the gaurd was on and no I wasn't using a push block like I should have been. I consider this to be a minor way to be reminded of shop safety.
chad vavra I just called my wife at work and told her about it. I said that I've seen worse on CSI. I don't think that helped.
andy buck get back to work!
victoria jones Yeah really... it's just a flesh wound.
chad vavra totally a flesh wound. I fixed my snow plow after this. Got some hydrolic fluid in it which I'm sure killed any germs that might have been in there.
aaron I think you need to think about where your fingers are at when you're working with power tools. May I suggest buying a sawstop when you can afford it?
aaron God that looks just like spam doesn't it!