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rob carney guy kawasaki's loaner audi r8
andy buck awesome x 2
c. alexander leigh or... what happens when you send a german to do an italian's job
j.p. mcglinn ah yes, you get an everyday supercar. (I can't make this up:
rob carney the trunk (under the hood) is tiny and you can see the engine through the rear window. pretty awesome.
rob carney well, not awesome about the trunk. that was just funny.
victoria jones That is the one Audi I would totally drive.
andy buck ^, hell yea
c. alexander leigh This car looks like the illegitimate baby produced when Megatron got drunk that one time and slept with Rosy O'Donnell
andy buck i see megatron, where do you get rosie o'donnell from, other than personal bias?
c. alexander leigh The wide hips and huge chin. If the car looked attractive, I wouldn't let my healthy anti-Audi pro-BMW enthusiasm get the best of me, I promise. Even Airbus has their day sometimes. This car though is neither the practical no-maintenance supercar that JP suggests nor the attractive car it could have been on whatever underpinnings it does have... It fails that test where a car should posses both feminine and masculine styling in order to be great. Physics is the great equalizer I am sure, but other makers manage to generate cars with a low dC, good downforce, and an organic sense of proportion. Why can't Audi?
andy buck fair enough