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jonathan rahmani I ordered this from apple - they said it shipped on the 27th - still not here yet. Everyone in the world has Snow Leopard but me. :(
steve block For simple things like this it is pretty much always better to just stop by an Apple retail store.
andy buck ^
steve block The Apple store guy asked what model of Mac I had to make sure it was able to run Snow Leopard. Probably smart of them. He told me about a lady who demanded to see the manager when he told her they couldn't put it on her iBook G4.
andy buck lol ibook g4
jonathan rahmani does your copy also say "Upgrade Disc" ?
j.p. mcglinn my copy says "Install DVD". Nothing about upgrade. I believe it is widely reported that it is just an install disc like every other OS X release. I know someone that upgraded from Tiger in fact.
joshua m. haroldson ^ i've heard that you have to wipe your HD before you could 'upgrade' from tiger to snow leopard.
andy buck for the record the copy I have says "install dvd"
steve block Officially (license agreement) you need to have bought Leopard to get the $29 Snow Leopard upgrade price and if you have Tiger you buy some other package from Apple. In reality, no one cares and the DVD is a standard install DVD.
jonathan rahmani this all makes sense - except my DVD says "Upgrade Disc (or DVD)" - i think the differentiating factor is I got mine through the Up-to-Date program for 10 bones.
steve block Sounds shady.