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submitted by shea prueger // view full size

shea prueger Returning to NYC from overseas after two years of being a model vagabond resulted in me returning with one suitcase to my name. Had all my storage thrown out six months prior to returning and that storage did contain an adult size bed. So. When I finally found an apartment in Brooklyn, my new roommate asked if he should keep the bed in the room from the last girl - or should he throw it out? Well. This is what that looks like. And having my cute pseudo boyfriend stay with me when he is in NYC (he is touring too much to hold down an apt), well - this is the end result. I feel like I am 14 again (except for the boy in bed part). #needtimeforanikeatripasap
shea prueger btw, it's nearly 4AM and i have to be up in a few hours....trying to figure out where i fit into this puzzle of a sleeping arrangement. whereamigoingtosleep?!?!?!
andy buck haha good luck
shea prueger Haha! It's too funny. This is my life, right there in that photo. Literally. Haha, quite an accurate portrayal of him, as well. Passing out first while managing to take the entire bed + comforter & pillows. Fortunately, I smuggled one small (very small) blanket in my suitcase and one pillow in my large bag from my parents' couch back to NYC after Xmas (as I didn't know what I was going to do when I moved in, kinda thought I might be floor styling it). So. Thanks to whoever lived here before me. And. Fortunately, we are both skinny enough that we could probably fit another pair of us on the child bed. Hahaha.
shea prueger P.S. Not only would he most likely be SUPER mad that I even took this photo....probably would be even less cool with the fact that i then posted it to the internet at a shared, public site! Hahaha. Wish there was a way i could tag his band, new record, and his name. Hahahaha.
shea prueger Oh, and yes -- my "curtains", yeah, that is definitely an extra bed sheet that I push pin tacked to the wall above my window. Not only is the lock broken on my window, there is no screen. My window opens to a huge "Rear Window" style courtyard and I was feeling quite naked, had to be resourceful.