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submitted by shea prueger // view full size

shea prueger Second major fashion fail of the day. And from none other than an arrogant male model.
andy buck i'm never going to like the "pants that don't go down far enough" look
shea prueger Ugh, so gross. The photo is blurry (he kept moving and I was trying to take it discreetly as I was stuck sitting on the above concrete floor and surrounded by models), but I know it looks like the pants have paint purposely thrown on them, but it was actually some stupid graphic repeated all over the front (and not the back). Think they were American Eagle? Maybe? The logo on the back was a bird that looked like an eagle. Haha. And that is what? A fishing style vest over an acid wash denim jacket? It is not even remotely flattering to his figure! Haha. He had gelled hair that was all combed back, Mad Men style. It made no sense.
shea prueger Oh, and he WAS very arrogant. Sauntered in and started talking about how he had to turn down his Tokyo contract becaue he has just so much going on here. A girl asked him jobs he had recently booked/shot, and what shows he was doing. He said he has SO much going on, he can't even remember a single job/designer/show. It was a very 'Katie Couric & Sarah Palin' moment (in regards to that video where Couric asks Palin what news sources she reads, if you haven't seen it, look it up on youtube ASAP).
Josh wtf