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submitted by j.p. mcglinn // view full size

j.p. mcglinn Yours for $36,900
andy buck i wish they were less. hard to justify 37 grand on an unreliable toy
steve block if only we lived in a country that didn't care about safety or the environment, because i like these trucks.
andy buck our country just cares about those things incorrectly. Perfectly acceptable to sell motorcycles, 2 stroke scooters, and ATVs, but a utilitarian truck without a passenger airbag? no way, can't sell it- don't even try to import it.
steve block motorcycles require a separate "yes i am qualified to operate this" endorsement. perhaps we should lobby for allowing these but you need a "yes i am qualified to operate a dangerous truck" endorsement
andy buck hah yeah. if you are allowed to drive a tractor through a town, why not this