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andy buck when in rome
victoria jones Still never had an In-N-Out burger.
andy buck i've been to in-n-outs in both CA and AZ and I always have the same two comments: a) this is a damn tasty burger, and b) these fries are garbage
victoria jones I personally enjoy Five Guys fries even though they usually give me way to many to eat in one setting.
steve block five guys measures their fries with a tool and on purpose the "regular" is really meant for 2 people. i wish they had a "small" in n out i don't remember the fries well but they are good burgers. best fast food fries are still b-bops
andy buck I adore 5 guys fries.
steve block andy i badly wanted to go to b-bops while i was in ames, but every single day i thought i would someone wanted to get lunch and they were always more important to me than french fries. so, happy but disappointed
steven cuthbert America has all the best fast food. No In n Out, Carls Jr, Jack in the box, Big Kahuna Burger, White Castle, or Wendys here in Aus.
andy buck Big Kahuna Burger! the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!
andy buck b-bops is hard to beat on a lot of levels