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tagisu - 1452408461-13755-5

submitted by danielle bednarczyk // view full size

danielle bednarczyk Alex did a thing.
victoria jones About damn time.
danielle bednarczyk LOL @Victoria. So when are you coming to visit and give it a test drive?
danielle bednarczyk Alex: "I feel like we need a Sherman tank." It has started.
c. alexander leigh You are right. I need to concentrate on what matters: a snowcat and a boat. Maybe an amphib... Can do both.
victoria jones I should visit to drive that thing! No PNW trees to get in the way down in AZ. Alex, I've always maintained you're a man of priorities. :)
danielle bednarczyk V - you should totally come visit us! I was just thinking about how awesome it would be to see you crawling into that thing and driving it the other day.