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tagisu - 1222044415-8529-701

submitted by chad vavra // view full size

andy buck how is the yukon this time of year? getting chilly?
chad vavra it's fucking perfect. there is no better time to be here. I finished a pen yesterday that I was told could bring in $400 easy if I made a box to go with it. I'm sitting outside in the freshest of air, under the clearest of sky and not stressed at all about the 2 Nexium concepts I haven't even started working on that are due tomorrow by 1. Leaving the Yukon kills me a little each day.
chad vavra I should start a B$BS [read: Bed and Bullshit, cause I don't cook] and let people live in my extra rooms.
andy buck you totally should
chad vavra if you know anyone they are welcome. No charge, just don't expect turn down service