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submitted by c. alexander leigh // view full size

c. alexander leigh There must be some way out of here, said the Joker to the Thief
victoria jones Let's all move to AUS
steven cuthbert yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
victoria jones AUS = Austin
steven cuthbert oh, see alex's Wolfmother and your AUS reference made me think Australia.. well, you should move to AUStralia anyway :D
andy buck wolfmother reference? for fucks sake, that is dylan.
victoria jones Dylan FTW
ben janke ^^
steven cuthbert damn, wheres my head at.. Im not part of the dylan generation and those lyrics are similar to a wolfmother song (joker and the thief).
j.p. mcglinn though, made popular by Jimi Hendrix. So perhaps you should move to SEA!
c. alexander leigh I tried entering Seattle, too. It was a lot less optimistic about my chances. 56 hours I think it said.