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andy buck A young woman was raped on a Queens subway platform yesterday morning just steps from a token booth clerk, who pushed a button for help but stayed in the booth in accordance with transit guidelines, officials said. The incident happened just before 3 a.m. in the desolate G train station at 21st Street/Van Alst in Long Island City. Police gave this account: The woman, 21, had been in the same subway car as the rapist as she headed toward her stop in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. She missed her stop after becoming involved in a confrontation with the man, who had harassed her by tickling her feet. The woman ran out of the train at the next stop, 21st/Van Alst Avenue, and shouted for attention as she raced up the stairs. The man followed and grabbed her, pulling her down onto the platform, where he raped her. The token booth clerk, John Koort, witnessed the man pick up the victim and heard her screams for help, according to an incident report. He did not get out, but pushed the panic button inside the booth, NYC Transit spokesman Charles Seaton said. The rapist fled before help arrived.