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tagisu - 1134114802-714-106

submitted by andy buck // view full size

shea prueger yess...on my way to mtv dating shows. ha.
andy buck oh is it a dating show? maybe you can hang out with merlin
shea prueger i have no idea what it is. but with my luck, it's probably something along those line. however, i might be in need of a dating show (totally kidding).
jonathan rahmani not that i don't enjoy looking at you shea...but I was thinking about how many photos of you there must be on TAG....perhaps it should be called SHEAisu?
andy buck as far as i can tell, rahmani's favorite thing to do is complain
jonathan rahmani Ha! "nobody uses TAG!" -sound familiar Mr. Buck? ;)
shea prueger i can't help it that i am so rad. trust me, i don't even try.
andy buck bah, you can't prove anything mr. rahmani