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tagisu - 1144033374-6495-398

submitted by andy buck // view full size

jonathan rahmani nice looks important...
steve block i see ones
joshua m. haroldson thats just filler for the benjamins on top.
jonathan rahmani or perhaps the benjamins are in the middle...?
andy buck it looks to me like the man has a fat wad of real bills in his left hand, and is adding his change from his purchase to the wad.
andy buck anyone notice anything unusual about this particular post?
joshua m. haroldson idk, different camera?
andy buck yeah, rented dslr. looks like i'm going to switch to digital. soon.
joshua m. haroldson what kind? i think im going to get an olympus evolt.
joshua m. haroldson never mind, a nikon D70s
andy buck yeah, debating between the d50 and the d70. i've basically lost all my anit-digital venom
jonathan rahmani ha...i thought this could have been digital. But it looked too I know why.
jonathan rahmani the way. If you have that in a high enough res...maybe you could use some "CSI" style effect, and figure out what the bills are in his left hand by looking at the reflection in his glasses...haha
andy buck ps: digital still sucks at highlights, this image is no exception, his hair and that light tarp in the upper right are pure white.
steve block does the d70 shoot raw? if so, can you 'fix' those highlights?
ben janke lol ^^^
joshua m. haroldson any dslr worth its weight in megapixels will shoot raw
andy buck of course the d70 shoots raw, even my crappy digital p+s shoots raw
jonathan rahmani haha...not much luck on the enhancement...thanks for trying though! by the way...i just saw some lady on TV who is scared of styrofoam..haha
andy buck haha nice, we should fill her car with packing peanuts.
joshua m. haroldson does this win for most comments?
andy buck yeah i think so