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andy buck very first place I ate at when I moved to the city. We parked the car and explored our new home (totally terrified) and stumbled in the door of Acapulco Cafe. It is a wonderful place.
jonathan rahmani which city? new york city or jersey city? ;)
andy buck nyc, Acapulco is in greenpoint
shea prueger i totally forgot that you were terrified of greenpoint. hahaha.
andy buck looking back on it, being terrified of greenpoint was pretty lame.... especially now since it's even more incredibly safe than it was back then. "shea are you sure it's safe??" haha
shea prueger i take a little bit of a different approach, i got to the the queensbridge projects area and was all "oh, neat! cement and brick everywhere! is that a park bench? basketball hoop? this place has to be fine." haha. BUT. when i go back to iowa - it does seem almost sterile, in a friendly way. with grass and trees and oh yeah, houses.