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andy buck she is obsessed. shea, this is totally your fault
sam wong hey you need to keep her away from those . . things
steve block love her, love you, love books
shea prueger hahaha trust me your loved one could have WAY worse addictions. plus, i need a friend who loves vampires as much as i do. lindsey, are you in love with edward cullen yet?
andy buck "Twilight sees Edward meet Bella Swan, a human girl whose thoughts he is unable to read, and whose blood smells overwhelmingly sweet to him. He fights a growing attraction to her, but after saving her life on several occasions, succumbs and eventually falls in love with her. Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a 17 year old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918, to spare him death from the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago, Illinois.". you two are dorks
lindsey buck Ignoring Andy. Shea, would it be wrong (or, you know, crazy) to leave my new husband for a fictional character?
andy buck hey! i cooked you breakfast
bryan wann mmm andy breakfast
elizabeth wong holy crap i feel so much better that im not the only one.
elizabeth wong also andy, edward cooks bella breakfast on several occasions.
andy buck omg YOU TOO?
mark jacobson hold on, shea, are you reading crap like that? ;) lindsey, i have no trouble imagining would.... :P also, andy your breakfast comment was awesome
mark jacobson shea, if you have not already done so, please put that book down, and read the mysterious strange manuscripts by twain, please :)
lindsey buck Right on, Liz! And thanks for the link!
a. herrero it's more like this: a mediocre girl, unaware of her own looks and named, painfully, "Beautiful Swan", meets a beautiful boy with no personality, who just happens to be a vampire, and who belongs to a devastatingly gorgeous, powerful family who for some reason plan to spend their entire immortality in some gray, rainy pathetic town. the vampire and the girl fall in love for no apparent reason, the vampire leaves the girl, then the girl, despite being described as "particularly intelligent" and "independent", resolves to throw her entire life away in devotion to her man. i kind of spoiled it, sorry.
elizabeth wong that summation stops like halfway through the second book. you are neglecting 2.5 books. i won't go into it cause it'd irritate people but really that's like saying don't watch star wars cause anakin is turns evil the end
a. herrero that's as far as i read. one and a half books.
andy buck lol ^^
victoria jones Phew, I feel like I read it.
steve block i know "bella swan" is kind of a painful name but one of my favorite books has a hero named hiro protagonist
victoria jones Ah Snowcrash
elizabeth wong is he atleast japanese? that would make it atleast a tiny bit forgivable
a. herrero haha sorry to be a bitch btw, i was just kidding. :)