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andy buck the unfortunate crowd that frequents pampano's taco outpost. worth dealing with for cheap fish tacos and habanero salsa, mostly
chad vavra it's that mid town neighborhood. Put that place down here and it would reek of ironic dirty t-shirts.
brant they'll probably go to some ironic dive bar tonight. and talk about how edgy the new coldplay album is.
bryan wann hey, I'm wearing black wool slacks and a black wool coat and god knows I love tacos
lindsey buck Wait a minute...don't those guys kind of look like Andy and Mark? And aren't Andy and Mark at an ironic dive bar this very minute?! Hmmm...
andy buck I can't see any of the ironic tshirts- they are being covered by 2nd hand store jackets
elizabeth wong wow...that's my boyfriend you're describing. :(