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submitted by andy buck // view full size

andy buck green beans, beet ice cream goat cheese :: *brussel sprouts, pancetta :: *scallops, apple juice caviar, radish sprout :: *beer tenderloin tartare :: *buffalo and pancetta 'meatloaf' :: eggplant, beet green, parmesan :: *lamb, white beans :: lasagna, roasted tomato :: *polenta, home made ricotta, mexican honey :: grilled apricots, caramel ice cream :: *orange sorbet, rosemary infused glass, lemon foam.
andy buck 'alternating' course dinner with mark, * indicated mine, lack of * = mark's dish. good times
andy buck more here
sam wong these are a few of my favorite thing
elizabeth wong yeah i hate you
ben janke i'm pretty sure you had sam at 'pancetta'
jonathan rahmani how on earth does your kitchen handle all that attention?!
chad vavra I would totally hook you up with some Velveeta Mac and Cheese if you'd just ask.