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submitted by andy buck // view full size

andy buck english thyme, lemon thyme
andy buck the english thyme has already assisted me with a savory pain perdu made with farm fresh eggs
joshua m. haroldson i said it on flickr already, but its worth saying twice...lemon thyme is fantastic.
andy buck see that table? now it has scratches on it as of 10 minutes ago compliments of my cat.
andy buck josh, it is absolutely delicious
j.p. mcglinn andy, my table has scratches on it too, also from my cat. Worse, my side table has some, but minor in comparison.
andy buck i'm now very much regretting getting a table with a veneer surface
victoria jones Haha, the scale is messing with me. Until you mentioned 'table' I thought these plants were HUGE sitting on the floor.
andy buck haha, i'll give you a hint: they are planted in water glasses
victoria jones I see it all now, but man originally I was WAY off.