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submitted by andy buck // view full size

andy buck bone-in ribeye steaks. raised at a farm i've been to, stone brook farms, by a man named Bob Comis. The closer two were house dry aged, you can really see a difference.
sam wong Red as rubies
brant yum, dry aged beef.
steve block you keep saying that you are eating less meat while simultaneously posting more meat photos than ever
sam wong He's not eating all of those.
andy buck this was shared between 12 people steve
steve block you fully miss the point. i doubt you are objectively cutting back
andy buck i absolutely am, i make sure that out of my three meals each day only one contains meat. I'd like to only eat meat on the weekend but it's not socially practical.
steve block how adorable
andy buck why is that adorable
steve block how you try to make only eating meat one a day sound like some kind of personal sacrifice. your second sentence is especially fantastic
j.p. mcglinn i try to eat meat at two meals a day. i usually only eat two meals a andy eating less meat (smaller servings) even though he's eating meat everyday still?
andy buck jp- my general strategy is to only purchase meat from places that produce humanely. Problem is- not only do costs increase significantly, it also becomes a lot less convenient to acquire. In fact right now if i want anything other than properly raised chicken or duck it requires a special trip after work across town. For a while now i've been attempting to reduce meat portion size, it works well if it's just me and lindsey, but harder when cooking for others or if someone else has cooked.
ben janke sam would eat all of those.
sam wong Grumble Grumble Grumble
ben janke also i really hate when social obligation forces me to eat more than i'd like. luckily sam no longer lives in mpls =D
andy buck the butcher