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submitted by andy buck // view full size

andy buck this is pretty much how I spent my evening. photo by someone else
victoria jones You look so scientific!
jonathan rahmani what is happening here?
bryan wann it looks like science is happening here. do not be afraid!
andy buck this requires some explanation. storefront for art and architecture has an exhibit currently called landscapes of quarantine. a razor, a shiny knife decided to do a dinner in the space that also focused on the theme of quarantine and i got involved at some point a long the way. in the photo we are using an electric smoker to flood mason jars with hickory smoke, the jar is then placed on top of it's lid which contains hirame sashimi, lardo, and mache. by the time the jar reaches the table it has effectively cold smoked the contents, along with creating a puff of hickory smoke when you unscrew the lid.
bryan wann I'll just have the cheeseburger
andy buck nothing wrong with a good cheeseburger
steve block i just made and then ate a good cheeseburger!
j.p. mcglinn can I have my cheeseburger with hickory smoke please?
andy buck dinner time-lapse