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andy buck last sunday could have gone better
andy buck also could have gone a lot worse.
steve block rest in peace escapepod
ben janke pretty this is the only reason a golden-age camry ever stops working. r.i.p. escapepod =(
andy buck the car is totaled but is still working just fine- funny how that goes
ben janke oops, *pretty sure
ben janke and yeah, not surprised at all that it still runs =D
alison lindy buck sad day
andy buck the front bumper is now in the trunk
jonathan rahmani shit - super happy you and LA are OK
victoria jones ^ Glad you are both okay. How'd that happen?
sam wong ^^ ^ Storytime
andy buck we were crossing a pretty major intersection near our house when a woman went through the red light at speed- straight into our car
steve block iowa plates
victoria jones Good grief! Are you both mostly okay?
andy buck yeah, we're totally fine- just felt like we had gone snowboarding for a couple days
victoria jones ^ thankful for that. RIP Camry.