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submitted by andy buck // view full size

andy buck this is a picture of the last front wheel drive vehicle i ever owned.
ben janke own or owned? did you lose another car?
steve block i am doubtful that any real blame can be placed on a car. not when andy is driving
ben janke that was going to be the next question -- perhaps he's been out of iowa long enough to have forgotten how to drive in the snow =\
andy buck lol, actually my lovely wife managed this while I was at the house sipping a beverage by the fire. our friend's driveway is very steep and covered in ice, Honda doesn't stand a chance
steve block well in that case rwd would not have helped, probably not even awd. different tires probably
andy buck awd is the solution- both the awd cars made it up the hill. rwd would be stuck at the bottom with the fwd
steve block sand would have been a good solution
ben janke sipping a beverage by the fire was a better solution
andy buck ^. if you would like to sand a 1/4 mile driveway go right ahead.
michael coppola I bet I could do it.