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tagisu - 1215439833-31964-105

submitted by steve block // view full size

steve block after 6+ years i decided to shave it off completely. my face feels funny
andy buck you look 16
victoria jones HOLY GOD I love it!
alix holbrook cute!
steven cuthbert smooth as a babies bottom
H <3 it.
lisa homstad nooooooooooooooo :(
victoria jones I didn't realize Steve you have such shapely lips, they've always been obscured by your face rug! =)
steve block 3 out of 4 women agree?
jenn wendell 4 out of 5 women agree...steve looks hot sans rug!
michael coppola 1 out of 1 men agree.
sam wong mmmmm hot
victoria jones Next picture, smile! =)
sam wong that is a smile . . . it's subtle