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andy buck I drank a VICTORY prima pils earier
shea prueger hahaha have never tried prosperity merlot. think victor prima is "all right." kind of just a "little bit better stella."
ben janke blasphemy! first of all, stella is overpriced hipster swill. second of all, its not even a pilsener, which means something, though i'm not sure what. prima is the best pils i've ever tasted, easily.
andy buck blasphemy u, stella is fantastic.
shea prueger stella is not that great, agreed. and yeah it's not a pilsner. but i did take a beer class (for real) and we were told to tell people who want a stella - to drink the victory. just saying. it's not the same thing - but i think it's damn close. not really a huge fan of either. but i'm biased. i kind of just like whiskey. i like rogue, too. and miller high life. haha. OH and a self made michelada. rocks my world.
ben janke i guess they would give us that advice here too, if prima was readily on tap like stella is. i'm also biased, since i've yet to be disappointed by anything victory makes. and looks like we can agree on whiskey and rogue. yum.
ben janke also, taking a class = instant cred. i concede.
shea prueger yeah, i like whiskey so much i put down beer all the time. it's probably not right.