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submitted by sam wong // view full size

andy buck oh fuck yes
sam wong i am going to spring this tomorrow at work.
andy buck i better be getting some of your home roasted coffee for xmas
ben janke ^
sam wong well i ordered two lbs of yirgacheffes specifically to make for ben, i hope its' not one of those things when you think your friend likes something so you give it to him as a gift a few times but secretly he hates it and you by association
andy buck you didn't get anything specifically for me? defriended.
sam wong i think i have the machine figured out now
andy buck i thought there were only like 2 buttons on it
sam wong well yeah, but really it's about knowing WHEN to press the buttons
sam wong well yeah, but really it's about knowing WHEN to press the buttons
sam wong omg double post
steve block how hard is it to NOT push the button twice you are bad at the internet