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submitted by sam wong // view full size

andy buck are you parked at the cafe?
andy buck the miata looks great with a hardtop btw
steve block now that the hard top is on, say hello to 6 more weeks of fine weather
sam wong yes, yes, and you're welcome!
ben janke i just noticed there's a miata of this vintage + color living just down the street from me. they still hadn't put the hardtop on yet tho =)
sam wong liz and i got cheesecakes! oh yeahh.
elizabeth wong mmm so delicious. i can feel my heart struggling to provide my extremities with blood as i type.
elizabeth wong also this afternoon i had a delicous basque egg bake at the cafe. so great. cream + eggs + sauteed(?) veggies baked with crostini. yum
joshua m. haroldson i'm still thinking about the butternut squash tamale i had there a couple of weekends ago.