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tagisu - 1217905065-5480-475

submitted by ben janke // view full size

ben janke j.p., this is what your shoes will look like if you wear them pretty much every day for almost 4 years...
bryan wann it looks like you stepped in an egg
steve block jesus ben, get some new shoes
j.p. mcglinn I'm with steve, I think it's time for new shoes.
bryan wann a little duct tape and rubber cement, they'll be fine!
c. alexander leigh
ben janke the pair i had before these actually had duct tape on the bottom since i'd worn holes through the soles ;)
victoria jones Is this a result of you love the shoes and don't want to get rid of them or that you're cheap? =)
ben janke i hate new shoes with a passion... also i'm a bit cheap, but i do love these shoes.