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submitted by ben janke // view full size

andy buck i see oscar wanted to get in on the destruction
ben janke it was the theme of the day, apparently
andy buck at least your pet looks guilty, ours were quite pleased
ben janke actually, he was rather happy with himself when brian first got home and saw the damage... this picture was taken well after
andy buck the couch has been through a lot
victoria jones Oh... I know that look. They forget though; Lux tried to eat our couch, then went on to eat pillows, tried to consume a blanket, ate the down comforter and spread it all over the apartment, ate a pair of shoes... I hope Oscar has learned his lesson!!
ben janke if he's learned any lesson, it's to try more expensive things; i had forgotten about this. can't wait to see what's next.
ben janke also i'm afraid that after surviving the janke bros. childhood, 2 dogs, a rabbit, 2 couch-campers, probably a dozen moves, and countless naps, oscar might be the downfall of this poor couch if he keeps this up =|