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andy buck mizuna is one of my favorite greens
shea prueger you are good! is that what some of this stuff it is? i just thought there "stand" was cute. the senior citizen version of a lemonade stand.
andy buck yeah, a bunch of mizuna, something i don't recognize (maybe pea shoots?), and sesame leaf. i only know the green peppers as "korean peppers" since that is what my korean grocery store sells them as
steve block in the paper today: kimchi crisis leaves south korea in a pickle vegetables woo
shea prueger korean peppers! haha. and YES steve, the kimchi crisis is huge. the main issue being that they could use american cabbage, but south koreans are REALLY against it. in fact, they are grossed out by the idea.
shea prueger THIS: -- is amazing. The govt offered "subsidized cabbage" today (photos in the link, amazing) at the city hall. They have also decided to temporarily lift tariffs on all Chinese imported cabbage (American cabbage being deemed "not even close to good enough").
steve block kimchi crisis on the front page of the new york times web site today
steve block save us plz kimchi gods