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tagisu - 1131121568-12661-544

submitted by jonathan rahmani // view full size

andy buck i like
jonathan rahmani why thank you kind sir.
andy buck dare i wager you shot this fine picture on ilford hp5?
jonathan rahmani yes I did. well done. very impressed.
jonathan rahmani how could you tell?
andy buck i've been shooting on hp5 for a couple years, i love it
jonathan rahmani what are it's advantages?
andy buck i really like the look it has compared to say tri-x or tmax. it's also virtually bulletproof when developing, which is nice because you don't have to be as precise with your timing or chemical temperatures.
andy buck rahmani you'd love this dude:
stewart mccoy sahweet, he's pulling that one hard. nice ssssssssshhhhhhhot