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tagisu - 1220048389-30209-957

submitted by jonathan rahmani // view full size

joshua m. haroldson nice phone. i much prefer the black theme though.
jonathan rahmani oh...i was wanting to point out the sillyness of icons tossed all willy nilly round such a small screen.
andy buck yeah seriously, what the fuck is up with that icon layout
joshua m. haroldson no i totally agree. the point of the white theme is that you can rearrange the icons how you want, but no matter what they are always crooked. its a total mess. that's why i use black
shea prueger oh my god. that icon layout makes me want to throw up. i'm not reacting to that in a positive way AT ALL. andy, remind me never to buy anything LG. can't support people who make these kind of decisions.
joshua m. haroldson i have this phone and beside this one menu screen (which you don't ever have to use or see) it really is a pretty solid phone. don't judge the rest of this phone by its shitastic cover!
steve block josh, since that is the ad they are using, they clearly want us to do exactly that
joshua m. haroldson i know. bastards.
shea prueger i'm totally judging it by it's cover because it makes me physically sick. i'm sure that if i was all about getting a new phone (i don't even have a real phone as of right now) i would choose something that didn't give me hot flashes of disgust.
andy buck i am so glad there is someone else who felt sick after seeing this.
jonathan rahmani Yes! 'Tag-talk' points for me!
joshua m. haroldson all i know is i wasn't switching to at&t or paying $500 to jailbreak an iphone and still have to switch to t-mobile. plus, i haven't even seen that disgusting piece of design since about 2 seconds after i bought the phone and permanently changed the theme.