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submitted by jonathan rahmani // view full size

andy buck rad, what are you making with it?
jonathan rahmani well - tonight i threw a few dashes into a lime + simple syrup + bourbon mix. Not a lot of process involved, but it made for a great after dinner drink.
steve block i wonder what this tastes like
jonathan rahmani yummy! the place where I picked it up had, in addition to the rhubarb, mint, cherry, grapefruit, and whiskey barrel aged bitters! You can find recipes for using them here.
steve block nice. i see some cocktail recipes calling for various forms of bitters and all i find at my liquor store is the standard
jonathan rahmani "Fee Brothers has come out with rhubarb bitters, and I'd never heard about them from anywhere. (Late update: LeNell's has started selling them.) I anxiously awaited the arrival of my shipment, and was pleased to taste a pungent rhubarb flavor with some real spicy depth to it. Like most of the other Fee Brothers bitters I've tasted, it's slightly sweet, and it's got that glycerin mouthfeel to it, but this is an ingredient with real potential."