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submitted by joshua m. haroldson // view full size

joshua m. haroldson i...hate...iphoto...where the hell do you save my pictures?
jonathan rahmani dood...just do the 'share' option from iphoto. You can e-mail the pictures straight out of Mail. (im sure andy will just tell you NOT to use iphoto at all...but)
joshua m. haroldson thnxs...i would much prefer not to use iphoto though...i'm sadly missing XP because of it...gasp!...
andy buck you are missing xp? ...seriously?
joshua m. haroldson only with managing my photos. i haven't really found anything good yet. and since i have an intel mac my options are pretty limited now.
joshua m. haroldson only with managing my photos. i haven't really found anything good yet. and since i have an intel mac my options are pretty limited now.
stewart mccoy this photo reminds me of a still from a 60s war movie, the part where the soldier is on leave to hawai'i. i wish it wasn't so blurry
steve block iphoto loves you.
andy buck apple can do no wrong