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tagisu - 1214971502-15843-342

submitted by joshua m. haroldson // view full size

steven cuthbert funky looking taco. but wheres the speedo? Is that a honda? looks like the top of a honda badge on th serial
steve block that looks like a civic hybrid to me. the speedo in those is digital and sits high. you can sort of see it over the wheel, the strip of blue above.
joshua m. haroldson steve's close, 08 civic, but not a hyrbid. once you get used to the speedo being up top i really like it.
steve block they must have decided that the hybrid dashboard was cool
andy buck i love this dash
H The hybrid dash lights up like a bad video game where you get points for coasting and braking.
steve block did you get the high score at least, h?
H Decidedly not