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tagisu - 1219450187-4125-291

submitted by thomas byrd // view full size

thomas byrd OMFG! Never thought I would see this. Batter in a can. Think of the possibilities! You can have a batter fight. That would be hot. Best of all, this is organic.
bryan This is blashpemy to pancake makers everywhere!
steven cuthbert you get my cheese-whiz boy?
thomas byrd Think of the possibilities. Cheese-whiz, whip cream, and batter blaster.
H I nearly got my visa revoked by bringing Velveeta and Easy-Z-Cheese into France...
H It's nice that this batter is organic.
thomas byrd Well, I understand the French are kind of snooty about cheese. I am not sure if they feel the same about pancakes. Maybe you can bring batter blaster into their country since it is not cheese or wine related...